Justin Lieberman
Masses and Classes
C-print and oil on paper
50 x 70 cm
Acquired in 2017

On private view in room no. 402.

Justin Lieberman
My Shirt #7
Watercolour on paper
32 x 23,7 cm
Acquired in 2017

On view in the lobby.

“My work is a place where capitalism goes to die.”, says Justin Lieberman (b. 1977). His work is based on collecting useless objects and trash along with text and advertisement prints from daily use. Lieberman then creates collages, objects or object-books using this material in a critical, vulgar and amusing way. Through his artistic career, Lieberman has been moving around the point of self-hatred and despising the position of an artist, motivated by money, within our consumerist society. On the other hand, his own impossibility to escape the system is in his attitude and recast into art production and the layering of existing art and objects.